“Our fans mugged the ref to start the match, and we shamelessly took full advantage of it. (Though almost entirely for ko's, not cas.) However, our rookie lino twice rolled double-1 to drop the ball, which my opponent scooped up. Only reason I got it back was he decided to stall as long as he can...as it turns out, a turn too long thanks to some skulls, we got the ball back and scored 1-0 to end the first half...that is, until a OTS chainpush promote made the score 1-1, him receiving the ball to start the second half.
A second consecutive chainpush made the score 1-2 one turn into the second half, quickly made 2-2 as my boys scored despite the perfect defense. This left way too much time for his rats to score, and it looked easy enough since he now was removing my guys from the pitch left and right. However a lucky 1d POW by a rookie lino jarred the ball loose, also jarring his confidence possibly. Nevertheless he got the ball back (too many of him, not enough of me) and had the ball secured behind some blockers...until our SV raced dodged through a RO's TZ to lay the ball down. He scoops up a third time, and once more I'm able to lay him flat...only my SV catches the ball on the fly, I can't throw it down-pitch! His RO rolls skulls, then a quick handoff-run-throw-score later, I've pulled off the unlikely victory.
Very solid execution from my opponent...despite playing some 800 games as skaven, I think I could learn a thing or two watching him...”
A second consecutive chainpush made the score 1-2 one turn into the second half, quickly made 2-2 as my boys scored despite the perfect defense. This left way too much time for his rats to score, and it looked easy enough since he now was removing my guys from the pitch left and right. However a lucky 1d POW by a rookie lino jarred the ball loose, also jarring his confidence possibly. Nevertheless he got the ball back (too many of him, not enough of me) and had the ball secured behind some blockers...until our SV raced dodged through a RO's TZ to lay the ball down. He scoops up a third time, and once more I'm able to lay him flat...only my SV catches the ball on the fly, I can't throw it down-pitch! His RO rolls skulls, then a quick handoff-run-throw-score later, I've pulled off the unlikely victory.
Very solid execution from my opponent...despite playing some 800 games as skaven, I think I could learn a thing or two watching him...”