“an interesting matchup for my necros, we were out matched. THe Orcs started with a nearly 50 point advantage in TR and almost 25 points in TS. With out some really lucky rolling of the bones we would've gotten crushed. We did score a couple of cas though. Can't learn BH Huurt Helmsman. Winston BH Krunt the Cat. Warren BH Radash Redface and Fred RIP (apoth) Sasha Triplesnot. A GG from the orcs and the necros.. a fitting tie..
“Well, it was a strange game. I was up 47/40, had just hired a Troll for my team, and was confident to win this game. Handicaps were Doom & Gloom and Greatest. Both were not that devastating but nasty nonethless.
First half was mainly a mid field brawl. The Lightning quickly gained a numerical superiority with some lucky AV breaks. My remaining Orcs could prevent the Necros from getting even near to scoring, pushed the ball free but were just too few to protect it well enough. In fact, I was down 2 or 3 players during most of 1st half.
Second half saw me starting with only 10 players: One was out for Greatest, one KO'd, and two BH'd, including two of players with guard. Again it was a midfield brawl, and again Connecticut Lightning just broke armour better than I did. Being down in numbers and stuck next to those pesky Flesh Golems I could only advance slowly, which was not helped by the ref who held up the clock for injury time at the start of 2nd half. In the end Backlash brought down the ball carrier, the ball bounced to Bellybumper Uglygit (my new Troll) and he, unbelievable as it was, caught it rolling a 6 when he needed a 8! Missing one turn I finally had to make a desperate last turn attempt to score with the Troll: A Blitz against a Wolf followed by two GFI was needed. The blitz only resultet in a push back (which I had to follow to still be in range) and the following dodge was failed.
All in all it was a tense game! I was about to break through to the endzone several times but always had one or two players too few to secure the ball properly. Well, at least I got no lasting injuries as a sixth sense told me to save my apo - to cure a T16 RIP on Sasha Triplesnot (BOB)! Good luck to Backlash in his upcoming games. It makes the league much more interesting to half a true rival for the top spot. May it be close till the end!
GL to u Mooni and ur team