“Alpman's pre-match briefing:"Ok team. Today's mission is to make a Chaos Warrior score. Understood? Ok. Ahhhh... one last thing. Be careful of the mummies."
Just a few seconds in the game, Alpman shouts terrified while the apothecary storms the field:"FORGET THE MISSION. AVOID THOSE /"§T("(=$"§ MUMMIES!!!"
Alpman's post-match comment:"I'm very proud of my team. They were fully concentrated, even after the shock in the first turn when Senor Bones nearly smashed Rhinork's collar bone. They dodged like hell and impeded the Khemrian rush to our endzone until the ball carrierr Bongo Bones made an unforced error trying to move further than he could. Zepror stone-cold capitalised on it and exceeded all expectations as he picked up the ball from a tackle zone, dodged away and threw a pass short pass to Ugron who in the meantime has blitzed into position.
Awesome Bones and Cool Bones tried to cage Ugron but Cool Bones, who dodged two of my players, failed fortunatly a gfi. I had a reroll left and needed it badly for the gfi-blitz with Zepror to free Ugron who afterwards easily entered the opponent's endzone. Touchdown in turn 8!!
And have you seen the second half? Despite a not so nice landing position for the ball it started quite good with killing Lil Guy! The team therefore got even more motivation and secured the ball easily close to the upper sideline. The team managed to gain superior number near the ball and another Skeleton was killed (but it Sure Bones regenerated). I really thought about ordering for more stalling but I was afraid of loosing players due to mighty blows or fouls but then chose to send Tollwut in the endzone. I guess I was to overcautious.
Unfortunalty Kudutrk got his hand smashed. I tried the same tactic as in the first half and the team avoided the mummies where possible and blitzed the ball carrier again and again. It could've been a 2:0 if the fans had thrown the ball to a more advantageously position after Zampano had dodged and blitzed Speedy Bones but it shouldn't be. Zampano tried to protect the ball but isanti's team managed to score in turn 16.
I'm very happy with the game. But what do you mean with the question about new mutations granted by Khorne? What are Chaos Elves?"”
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Just a few seconds in the game, Alpman shouts terrified while the apothecary storms the field:"FORGET THE MISSION. AVOID THOSE /"§T("(=$"§ MUMMIES!!!"
Alpman's post-match comment:"I'm very proud of my team. They were fully concentrated, even after the shock in the first turn when Senor Bones nearly smashed Rhinork's collar bone. They dodged like hell and impeded the Khemrian rush to our endzone until the ball carrierr Bongo Bones made an unforced error trying to move further than he could. Zepror stone-cold capitalised on it and exceeded all expectations as he picked up the ball from a tackle zone, dodged away and threw a pass short pass to Ugron who in the meantime has blitzed into position.
Awesome Bones and Cool Bones tried to cage Ugron but Cool Bones, who dodged two of my players, failed fortunatly a gfi. I had a reroll left and needed it badly for the gfi-blitz with Zepror to free Ugron who afterwards easily entered the opponent's endzone. Touchdown in turn 8!!
And have you seen the second half? Despite a not so nice landing position for the ball it started quite good with killing Lil Guy! The team therefore got even more motivation and secured the ball easily close to the upper sideline. The team managed to gain superior number near the ball and another Skeleton was killed (but it Sure Bones regenerated). I really thought about ordering for more stalling but I was afraid of loosing players due to mighty blows or fouls but then chose to send Tollwut in the endzone. I guess I was to overcautious.
Unfortunalty Kudutrk got his hand smashed. I tried the same tactic as in the first half and the team avoided the mummies where possible and blitzed the ball carrier again and again. It could've been a 2:0 if the fans had thrown the ball to a more advantageously position after Zampano had dodged and blitzed Speedy Bones but it shouldn't be. Zampano tried to protect the ball but isanti's team managed to score in turn 16.
I'm very happy with the game. But what do you mean with the question about new mutations granted by Khorne? What are Chaos Elves?"”