“2nd game between the teams.
Handicaps for high elfs: IRON MAN (Lenwë Oronar) and VIRUS (no niggled orcs).
We win the toss, start on offense.
I make a stupid onedicer out of stupidity but dont suffer a turnover. Puuh. Troll Raspberry CarKOs an elf - nice! Yet again I forget to check and survive a stupid onedicer. I keep on making stupid mistakes, and allow two onedicers on my ball carrier. I stall horribly, although i get the ball to a bob for skill, forgetting about his guards, about his dauntless etc. Finally I manage to score last turn though. They do a great attempt at a oneturner, but fail the last gfi (rr used on a double pow, they needed arrow to chainpush).
Both teams field 11, although elfs lack 3 players (2 badly hurt and one KO). Fans obviously liked the elfs' oneturnattempt as they KO one of our black orcs with a rock. I keep on assuming i get twodicers when they only are onedice (and finally I get my stupidity punished). Of course, next turn I spend a rr on another stupidity, and Nuffle rewards me with a lot of nice dodges and a pow on a blitz on their ball carrier (all without rr). They get it back though, and score, well deserved, T3. A blitz gives them a bit of an advantage, but failing to see a stand firm player they only get one player to the ball and it scatter away. We are in trouble, they get a twodicer in (with rr) but thrower keeps it. Dodges away and does a pass, caught after rr, but then I risk and fail it. Ball down, they manage a lot of dodges and gfi, so then they roll a double one on picking it up. We pow their elf, but roll a double one trying to pick it up too :). Both teams try to get the ball, until they finally get it and do a nice pass-handoff-somegfis-play for TD. However, luck is mine today (dont look at the luck meters, as we had a reload), and we manage my second life time TTM for the tie.
I played terribly today. The mistake score was something like 15-2 in this game. I should have lost, but my Troll and goblin wanted otherwise. Sorry about that j0de, but at least no one died, and I had a truly entertaining time!!!”
Handicaps for high elfs: IRON MAN (Lenwë Oronar) and VIRUS (no niggled orcs).
We win the toss, start on offense.
I make a stupid onedicer out of stupidity but dont suffer a turnover. Puuh. Troll Raspberry CarKOs an elf - nice! Yet again I forget to check and survive a stupid onedicer. I keep on making stupid mistakes, and allow two onedicers on my ball carrier. I stall horribly, although i get the ball to a bob for skill, forgetting about his guards, about his dauntless etc. Finally I manage to score last turn though. They do a great attempt at a oneturner, but fail the last gfi (rr used on a double pow, they needed arrow to chainpush).
Both teams field 11, although elfs lack 3 players (2 badly hurt and one KO). Fans obviously liked the elfs' oneturnattempt as they KO one of our black orcs with a rock. I keep on assuming i get twodicers when they only are onedice (and finally I get my stupidity punished). Of course, next turn I spend a rr on another stupidity, and Nuffle rewards me with a lot of nice dodges and a pow on a blitz on their ball carrier (all without rr). They get it back though, and score, well deserved, T3. A blitz gives them a bit of an advantage, but failing to see a stand firm player they only get one player to the ball and it scatter away. We are in trouble, they get a twodicer in (with rr) but thrower keeps it. Dodges away and does a pass, caught after rr, but then I risk and fail it. Ball down, they manage a lot of dodges and gfi, so then they roll a double one on picking it up. We pow their elf, but roll a double one trying to pick it up too :). Both teams try to get the ball, until they finally get it and do a nice pass-handoff-somegfis-play for TD. However, luck is mine today (dont look at the luck meters, as we had a reload), and we manage my second life time TTM for the tie.
I played terribly today. The mistake score was something like 15-2 in this game. I should have lost, but my Troll and goblin wanted otherwise. Sorry about that j0de, but at least no one died, and I had a truly entertaining time!!!”