“4th victory for legione. This time the luck was all by the dark side of elves. A good defensive ball job by the darkies, that take Lakota's wardancers away from the ball, with a series of short pass and large cages. In the 8th turn, after a short break by the wodiee, a good combination of blitzing and passing took L'inserviente in end zone.
In 2nd half, Tintonyanyan need only 2 round to get the tie, but after that Legione's player started to fight like orcs: the wodiees, outnumered, couldn't do anything to prevent the final 2-1 touchdown Alfred.
Just a note: 4 player get a new skill after the match, 2 of them niggled and one get a -1 on av -.- ”
“A continuation of the curse as the Apo failed again, resulting in the elimination of Siha Sapa. That's 6 failed apos (4 deaths, one n, and one -av) in a row if anyone is counting. The recoed in Fumbbl is 9, we are shooting for that goal....
Legione Oscura first score was at the end of 7 2+ die rolls wihout a RR at the end of the first half to put the Legione up 1-0. In the Second half, down 2 elves, Lakota Wakanda scored without breaking a sweat.
1 die blocks and unneccessary passing and handing off as a creative way to avoid the stalling rule and a blatent not going into the endzone on turn 6 meant the mostly koed Lakota Wakanda could not retake the field except on turn 8 in the second half.”
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In 2nd half, Tintonyanyan need only 2 round to get the tie, but after that Legione's player started to fight like orcs: the wodiees, outnumered, couldn't do anything to prevent the final 2-1 touchdown Alfred.
Just a note: 4 player get a new skill after the match, 2 of them niggled and one get a -1 on av -.- ”