Just one thing.... wanted to thx coach xcver for his honoust and fairfull play. 2 Dp's and none fouling with Rats was almost a gift from heaven. See you next time on the pitch m8!!!!”
“Wow an incredible unlucky game on both sides though the rats got the worse part. Both teams never got to 50% until turn 17 whith the skaven just cracking the 40% turn 16. Lots of block turnovers, snake-eyes and the like. Vamps stole the ball early and after a failed OFAB and double 1 on the dodge made a turnover turn 7 they tried the dangerous 3+ handoff with reroll turn 8 which obviously failed. Vamp offense scored, then the rats lost it again to bad block dice. Vamps had the 3+ catch roll with reroll again for the win turn 16 but failed again the skaven then picking it up in consequence making the long pass to the equaliser. A fair result for a pest of a game.
Thx to maverick.”
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Just one thing.... wanted to thx coach xcver for his honoust and fairfull play. 2 Dp's and none fouling with Rats was almost a gift from heaven. See you next time on the pitch m8!!!!”