“On a nice day in front of 58,000 Goblin Fans, the Night Goblins took on Cheapshot.
As the Night Goblins kicked off to start the game, the Fans invaded the pitch stunning 2 of the Night Goblin players and 4 of the Cheapshot players. The Night Goblins got credit for 4 Casualties while being attacked :) The 2 teams battled back and forth and finally Cheapshot was able to break free and score on turn 7 to go up 1-0. As Cheapshot kicked off the weather stayed nice. Half Ended 1-0 Cheapshot.
As Cheapshot kicked off to start the 2nd half, they Blitzed. The Night Goblins overcame the Blitz and worked their way down field, losing control of the ball then regaining it and scored on turn 7 to tie the game at 1. As the Night Goblins kicked off, Cheapshot was awarded an extra team re-roll. While the Night Goblins played prevent defense anticipating a Goblin being thrown, Cheapshot got off the Goblin but as the Goblin ran through the line failed his dodge. The Night Goblins were out of scoring range due to being in prevent defense and swarmed the ball just incase Cheapshot got off another Goblin throw to get the ball. Game Ended 1-1 Tie.
Thanks for the game
One of the weirdiest box scores where the Goblins got 6 Casualties and the Trolls got none and of the 5, 4 were helped by the other team.”
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As the Night Goblins kicked off to start the game, the Fans invaded the pitch stunning 2 of the Night Goblin players and 4 of the Cheapshot players. The Night Goblins got credit for 4 Casualties while being attacked :) The 2 teams battled back and forth and finally Cheapshot was able to break free and score on turn 7 to go up 1-0. As Cheapshot kicked off the weather stayed nice. Half Ended 1-0 Cheapshot.
As Cheapshot kicked off to start the 2nd half, they Blitzed. The Night Goblins overcame the Blitz and worked their way down field, losing control of the ball then regaining it and scored on turn 7 to tie the game at 1. As the Night Goblins kicked off, Cheapshot was awarded an extra team re-roll. While the Night Goblins played prevent defense anticipating a Goblin being thrown, Cheapshot got off the Goblin but as the Goblin ran through the line failed his dodge. The Night Goblins were out of scoring range due to being in prevent defense and swarmed the ball just incase Cheapshot got off another Goblin throw to get the ball. Game Ended 1-1 Tie.
Thanks for the game
One of the weirdiest box scores where the Goblins got 6 Casualties and the Trolls got none and of the 5, 4 were helped by the other team.”