“When a snobbish High Elf comes and throw the gauntlet on your scaly feet, you accept and smash him to bits. (Well not really. I got the ref but didn't use him.)”
“Very close game against a highly rated coach! I wanted a huge challenge so I took on one of the better ones around. 162 rating vs my noob 150! And his team rating of 158/147 vs my 113/121!!
Talk about TOUGH! Our heroes had their share of horrible luck (4 ko's and stun in 5 rolls!) otherwise the game would have ended in a draw for sure :)
Even undermanned and underpowered our heroes managed a beautiful tying touchdown when the Lizzies were spread around the field. Their brilliant armor shining in the sun as they make it look oh so easy.
As usual, the unwashed and unclean were not allowed to participate in the magnificent party afterwards for Pumpit Haughty. The fans of Bayou Blues were disappointed that their overpowered team could only manage a Pyhrric victory, but such is the way of Blood Bowl and the grace of Nuffle. ”
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