52 coaches online • Server time: 19:51
CTV 1650k Chaos Dwarf
Vampire CTV 2010k
#1 Hellfire Hgurf – Dead (RIP)
#7 Werner Gefengnisbeobachter – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#7 Werner Gefengnisbeobachter – Smashed Knee (NI)
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With no less than 6 vampires and oodles of thralls the Mercs were clearly the underdogs in this match, but were ready for the challenge!
We start things off bravely with star centaur Hellfire Hgurf charging right into the pile of thralls to knock down a star vamp. Our dirty player moves in for the foul directly after but only stuns him. As revenge the enemy team pile in and around Hgurf, first taking him down then putting in the boot and KILLING him!! The vamp fans go wild but we are unimpressed when our apo can do nothing!!
Time for revenge now! Come on Mercs! Unfortunately we fail to take any casualties whatsoever, but do eventually push through for a TD. We want to see more (vampire) blood!
All 5 vamps line out for the final few turns and a touchback lets them push forward for the quick score - there's nothing we can do but try and cause some casualties (nope) and harass them slightly. They score the 1-1 equaliser on turn 7.
2nd half and it's 15 vs 10 of us :P Both dirty players remain on the pitch- more blood is a certainty :)
We BLITZ but it doesn't do much- and in fact on the next vamp turn they are able to pass the ball to the vamp on one side I was ignoring who runs towards my endzone. We mark him as much as we can but he easily dodges away and runs in the TD.
Our lone surviving centaur gets the ball and we make our way up the pitch, attempting to do some casualties (a thrall KILL is sewn back up- where can we get an apo like that!?)
Things are looking OK when I fail to see a TZ and attempt a -1 dodge with a dwarf! whooops! For some reason the vamps don't throw my ball carrier into the crowd (compassion from their earlier centaur kill?) and instead mark him with several players, meaning he has to 'dodge' to the ground to make sure he won't get pushed.
On our final turn we maneouvre a possible TD attempt that is foiled by a dwarf 'catcher' :)
Cheers for the game Ludovicious, was a very challenging affair!”