“Not content with me going up against 29ts better Dorfs with Zara, Nuffle saw fit to grant the short ones a blitz! kickoff result, and ended 6 of my first half turns with turnovers. Second half was a cakewalk as the damage and KO'd Mummies was already done, but I got left a 2d. A-ha! POW! All I needed was a 3+ pickup with RR to tie the game and actually give me an edge. Bazillionth snake later (okay, 5th), and I'm out.
Good thing I don't care about CR, 3 points for that?! :P
Gl with the rest Whulfar, not your fault you rolled how you did.
Good thing I don't care about CR, 3 points for that?! :P
Gl with the rest Whulfar, not your fault you rolled how you did.