“9th game between the teams.
156000 show up for the game!! Will we earn some money to buy a third blitzer?
Handicaps for us: SMELLING SALTS and ILLEGAL DRUGS (+st on Audrey Horne).
They have a blitzer and a lineman mng. We lack a black orc. Thus - they come with 13, we with 12, to the field.
We win the toss, start on off.
We play a not very intelligent first turns. They get a onedicer on our ball carrier but Dr Hayward doesnt drop it in spite of them using rr. Their blockless black orc causes a turnover later on which gives us some room. However, their stand firm ag4 player makes life hard for us, in combination with me playing stupidly. They get the ball, we have a horrible turn with two double skulls (in between we manage at least to get the ball loose). A turn later we roll double one on a gfi to blitz their ball carrier and they can score turn7. One important thing though, I was lucky 4-5 first turns of first half, rolled pows all the time, but got really unlucky in 2 turns which gave the lead to Kalebin. That was not at all unfair though, as I played much worse. Injury time comes, but two turns is not enough given the great kick by our opponent.
Second half. Both teams have all players (as when they started). Turn3 they get rid of two of our players and it looks bad for us. We try to put some pressure on their thrower Muky, but but does a easy long pass for the TD turn5. Smelling salts does not help get our blitzer back, we field 10, ball lands exactly were they want it and we have to struggle not to give away another TD. Are lucky to stop it.
Well, i can only say this: I need blitzers, I need guard, and I need to protect my ball carrier a lot better. Kalebin didnt make any crucial mistakes today, I did.
Finally a game with out disconnections against one of my favorite coaches of faction! Fun game, even though It would have been more fun had I played better. See you soon for the 10th game mate!!!
Note to myself. Protect your ball carrier. Protect your ball carrier. Protect your ball carrier. ”
“Bueno, la verdad es que la primera parte fue muy intensa. Aunque creas que no supiste cubrir a tu ball carrier, no conseguí placarle nunca con más de un dado, además, conseguiste anular a varios de mis mejores jugadores en un parte del campo en la que no había nada que hacer. Pienso que la mala suerte a partir de ese turno 5 fue la que te privó de marcar. Sin esas calaveras lo más probable habría sido acabar en un empate.
Y sí, es cierto, ¡necesitas más blizters! Y si puede ser con Stand firm y Ag 4 mejor =)”
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156000 show up for the game!! Will we earn some money to buy a third blitzer?
Handicaps for us: SMELLING SALTS and ILLEGAL DRUGS (+st on Audrey Horne).
They have a blitzer and a lineman mng. We lack a black orc. Thus - they come with 13, we with 12, to the field.
We win the toss, start on off.
We play a not very intelligent first turns. They get a onedicer on our ball carrier but Dr Hayward doesnt drop it in spite of them using rr. Their blockless black orc causes a turnover later on which gives us some room. However, their stand firm ag4 player makes life hard for us, in combination with me playing stupidly. They get the ball, we have a horrible turn with two double skulls (in between we manage at least to get the ball loose). A turn later we roll double one on a gfi to blitz their ball carrier and they can score turn7. One important thing though, I was lucky 4-5 first turns of first half, rolled pows all the time, but got really unlucky in 2 turns which gave the lead to Kalebin. That was not at all unfair though, as I played much worse. Injury time comes, but two turns is not enough given the great kick by our opponent.
Second half. Both teams have all players (as when they started). Turn3 they get rid of two of our players and it looks bad for us. We try to put some pressure on their thrower Muky, but but does a easy long pass for the TD turn5. Smelling salts does not help get our blitzer back, we field 10, ball lands exactly were they want it and we have to struggle not to give away another TD. Are lucky to stop it.
Well, i can only say this: I need blitzers, I need guard, and I need to protect my ball carrier a lot better. Kalebin didnt make any crucial mistakes today, I did.
Finally a game with out disconnections against one of my favorite coaches of faction! Fun game, even though It would have been more fun had I played better. See you soon for the 10th game mate!!!
Note to myself. Protect your ball carrier. Protect your ball carrier. Protect your ball carrier.