“A truely great game to play in with so much tension all the way through even in T16 where either side could have scored. 1-0 could have been 1-1 or 2-0 depending on whether either side to grasp those very thin straws of destiny and master them enough to fashion a TD.
The Orcs recieved and made a cage to roll upfield, but at every turn were blocked by Norse players, eventually a cross-field manovre enabled the Orcs to score in T7 as the Norse were too slow to get away from their markers.
The Norse attempted a quick pre-Halftime equaliser but the reciever tripped on the GFI at T8 and the pass was not needed.
In the second half the Norse again saaught the equaliser but battled in vain with fierce Orc-last-ditch-tackles making just enough difference to stop the score.
All throughout the game the Orc speed-merchant Smelly Saussage was sitting out due to Morleys, somehow he still got the MVP...but such is the crazy world of Bloodbowl :D
The Orcs recieved and made a cage to roll upfield, but at every turn were blocked by Norse players, eventually a cross-field manovre enabled the Orcs to score in T7 as the Norse were too slow to get away from their markers.
The Norse attempted a quick pre-Halftime equaliser but the reciever tripped on the GFI at T8 and the pass was not needed.
In the second half the Norse again saaught the equaliser but battled in vain with fierce Orc-last-ditch-tackles making just enough difference to stop the score.
All throughout the game the Orc speed-merchant Smelly Saussage was sitting out due to Morleys, somehow he still got the MVP...but such is the crazy world of Bloodbowl :D
Well played mate and good luck :D