“lizards vs humans!
We get handicaps of virus (removes two) and iron man, very nice!
They start with the ball and push up to the LOS for a bit of a brawl- which suits the saurus on my team since it's what they grew up with at home! Almost every player plus the ball are right in the middle punching each other like it's going out of fashion and the fans are loving it! Eventually we manage to grab the ball with a skink and race towards their endzone to score on our fourth turn!
Training has paid off as we BLITZ after our own kick, pushing players through towards the ball and covering a catcher and steroid-boosted blitzer who were on one side. However the humans defend well, grabbing the ball and moving it up the other side almost out of our reach- and despite our best defensive efforts they score on their final turn to make it 1-1.
At the start of the 2nd half we pick up the ball with our rookie saurus Horpoxli from our own endzone and he starts trundling up the pitch. Meanwhile the humans have started ganging up on our lizards on one side! We soon pile in and even things out for a very fun fight while the ball goes up the other side. We have the advantage, hemming in the humans well but not scoring any casualties by the time horpoxli strolls in the TD on our 5th turn.
The humans take advantage of a bad kick to sprint their ma8 blitzer right up by our endzone- forcing a break tackle and double go for it by super Kroxi to get his tail on the ballcarrier and allow two skinks to jump him and take him down. Speedy Kaimazda then grabs the ball and sprints the whole length of the field in 3 turns to score our third touchdown!
Thanks for the game Shimin and best of luck with the humies!”
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We get handicaps of virus (removes two) and iron man, very nice!
They start with the ball and push up to the LOS for a bit of a brawl- which suits the saurus on my team since it's what they grew up with at home! Almost every player plus the ball are right in the middle punching each other like it's going out of fashion and the fans are loving it! Eventually we manage to grab the ball with a skink and race towards their endzone to score on our fourth turn!
Training has paid off as we BLITZ after our own kick, pushing players through towards the ball and covering a catcher and steroid-boosted blitzer who were on one side. However the humans defend well, grabbing the ball and moving it up the other side almost out of our reach- and despite our best defensive efforts they score on their final turn to make it 1-1.
At the start of the 2nd half we pick up the ball with our rookie saurus Horpoxli from our own endzone and he starts trundling up the pitch. Meanwhile the humans have started ganging up on our lizards on one side! We soon pile in and even things out for a very fun fight while the ball goes up the other side. We have the advantage, hemming in the humans well but not scoring any casualties by the time horpoxli strolls in the TD on our 5th turn.
The humans take advantage of a bad kick to sprint their ma8 blitzer right up by our endzone- forcing a break tackle and double go for it by super Kroxi to get his tail on the ballcarrier and allow two skinks to jump him and take him down. Speedy Kaimazda then grabs the ball and sprints the whole length of the field in 3 turns to score our third touchdown!
Thanks for the game Shimin and best of luck with the humies!”