“SUPERMEGACORP DOME (NUF) -- Dark forces came together, with Chaos teams clashing on the pitch, and nothing but lust for blood and death in their hearts. Lord Fiskes Despoilers had issued a challenge to their Chaos bretheren, the Blood Freaks, by hunting down a dozen of the Blood Freaks' fans (already extremely scarce before this event) and sending them, scewered and roasted, to the Blood Freaks' training camp. This was initially interpreted by the players as a free meal from their fans (which, to a degree, it was), and they had already had their fill when their coach came in and assessed the situation.
A thin crowd made their way out to the match, barely topping 20,000, and nearly every fan in attendance was there to see the Despoilers. And so it was that they took the pitch against one another, the Freaks thirsting for revenge and the death of the Despoilers, the Despoilers thirsting for sole supremacy of all Chaos teams through the sacrificial killing of the other teams' players. Their thirsts were soon quenched, as both teams' Apothocaries were collapsed in their respective teams' dugouts, exhausted before the second turn had even finished. Soon the dreaded casualty-machine Strömming the Exalted, who had already been responsible for wearing out the Blood Freaks' Apothocary, was cleaved in half as he lay on the ground by Grraaft's claw. In short order, however, the Despoilers had taken their revenge, and Grraaft will forever remember this day by merely looking down at his left leg.
The first half generally proceeded nicely, with the Despoilers taking great pleasure beating on the Freaks, and the Freaks beating right back while sending Laaght down field with the ball. Eventually, after some time spent screaming at the fans in the increasingly hostile crowd, Laaght was chased into the endzone by Lord Fiske himself, and the Blood Freaks took a lead into halftime.
The second half was spent with the Despoilers focusing their entire energy on destroying the Freaks, while the Freaks split their energies between trying to destory the Despoilers, and take the ball from them. Once the Freaks did get the ball, it was given to Yaaargh, the late star Raaargh's cousin, who slowly made his way toward a score. As he got near the area in which Laaght had scored in the first half, the fans were ravenous. Laaght made the mistake of engaging the fans for an extended discussion (though rarely were words extended beyond 1 syllable), as he waited for the clock to run down on the game.
As he scored, the security guards hired by the stadium were overwhelmed by the rush of angry fans who wanted nothing more than to rip Yaaargh into tiny little bits and eat him. They very nearly did this, and those who were unfortunte enough to have missed out on helping to cripple Yaaargh settled for beating on the young Phffaht. Eventually, the fans made their way back into the stands to let the Despoilers handle the injuries from then on. Unfortunately, the Despoilers were so disheartened by the fact that their fans' had to injure opposing players because they had been unable to, that they never got into a groove during the very limited time they had left. The Blood Freaks were now afraid of upsetting the crowd any further, and the match ended with no more injuries on either side.
In what seems to be a trend for the Blood Freaks, the best performer in the previous match was given the MVP for this match. This time, that meant that Faahkg was awarded the honor, though he largely played a supporting role today. Arrrguh!, the only Chaos Warrior left on the Blood Freaks team who hasn't been killed or missed any time for injuries, was quoted as saying "DEY STUPID BAD BAD! WE KICK DEY MINO MANY TIMES! KHORNE LIKE DE WAY I BREAK DEM! HE LET ME BREAK DEM MANY TIMES! I HIT DEM AND DEY BREAK BAD! HARD TO BREAK DEM! I DO IT! KHORNE HAPPY DEY BLOODY!" He appeared to be somewhat happy with their performance.
The same could not be said of the fans, the last of whom were either roasted as mentioned earlier, or terrified by the prospect of being roasted by future opponents. Sales of Blood Freaks jerseys and other paraphenalia have stopped completely, and concession stands reported not a single keychain was sold in the hours prior to or during the match. In fact, no fans can be found at this time, and no one is willing to speak publicly regarding the team at all. The only people, it seems, who care about the Blood Freaks at this point are the people employed by the team itself, and even the players are growing to hate the team.”
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A thin crowd made their way out to the match, barely topping 20,000, and nearly every fan in attendance was there to see the Despoilers. And so it was that they took the pitch against one another, the Freaks thirsting for revenge and the death of the Despoilers, the Despoilers thirsting for sole supremacy of all Chaos teams through the sacrificial killing of the other teams' players. Their thirsts were soon quenched, as both teams' Apothocaries were collapsed in their respective teams' dugouts, exhausted before the second turn had even finished. Soon the dreaded casualty-machine Strömming the Exalted, who had already been responsible for wearing out the Blood Freaks' Apothocary, was cleaved in half as he lay on the ground by Grraaft's claw. In short order, however, the Despoilers had taken their revenge, and Grraaft will forever remember this day by merely looking down at his left leg.
The first half generally proceeded nicely, with the Despoilers taking great pleasure beating on the Freaks, and the Freaks beating right back while sending Laaght down field with the ball. Eventually, after some time spent screaming at the fans in the increasingly hostile crowd, Laaght was chased into the endzone by Lord Fiske himself, and the Blood Freaks took a lead into halftime.
The second half was spent with the Despoilers focusing their entire energy on destroying the Freaks, while the Freaks split their energies between trying to destory the Despoilers, and take the ball from them. Once the Freaks did get the ball, it was given to Yaaargh, the late star Raaargh's cousin, who slowly made his way toward a score. As he got near the area in which Laaght had scored in the first half, the fans were ravenous. Laaght made the mistake of engaging the fans for an extended discussion (though rarely were words extended beyond 1 syllable), as he waited for the clock to run down on the game.
As he scored, the security guards hired by the stadium were overwhelmed by the rush of angry fans who wanted nothing more than to rip Yaaargh into tiny little bits and eat him. They very nearly did this, and those who were unfortunte enough to have missed out on helping to cripple Yaaargh settled for beating on the young Phffaht. Eventually, the fans made their way back into the stands to let the Despoilers handle the injuries from then on. Unfortunately, the Despoilers were so disheartened by the fact that their fans' had to injure opposing players because they had been unable to, that they never got into a groove during the very limited time they had left. The Blood Freaks were now afraid of upsetting the crowd any further, and the match ended with no more injuries on either side.
In what seems to be a trend for the Blood Freaks, the best performer in the previous match was given the MVP for this match. This time, that meant that Faahkg was awarded the honor, though he largely played a supporting role today. Arrrguh!, the only Chaos Warrior left on the Blood Freaks team who hasn't been killed or missed any time for injuries, was quoted as saying "DEY STUPID BAD BAD! WE KICK DEY MINO MANY TIMES! KHORNE LIKE DE WAY I BREAK DEM! HE LET ME BREAK DEM MANY TIMES! I HIT DEM AND DEY BREAK BAD! HARD TO BREAK DEM! I DO IT! KHORNE HAPPY DEY BLOODY!" He appeared to be somewhat happy with their performance.
The same could not be said of the fans, the last of whom were either roasted as mentioned earlier, or terrified by the prospect of being roasted by future opponents. Sales of Blood Freaks jerseys and other paraphenalia have stopped completely, and concession stands reported not a single keychain was sold in the hours prior to or during the match. In fact, no fans can be found at this time, and no one is willing to speak publicly regarding the team at all. The only people, it seems, who care about the Blood Freaks at this point are the people employed by the team itself, and even the players are growing to hate the team.”