We lured the vampires into the forest and played a little game with them. Two of the lowly slaves found their death hanging from the branches of the Malevolent Tree. Oh, how we all laughed! The cursed treeman scored our first ever to carry the skull of a boar to the other side of the forest, but we are not sure if he can carry on playing for long, because he seems just too old for the game.He says he just likes to strangle squirrels and rabbits to death nowadays. He might be getting old.
The flesh of the two thralls was given to the Foundation For Old Flesh-Eating Witches. ”
We lured the vampires into the forest and played a little game with them. Two of the lowly slaves found their death hanging from the branches of the Malevolent Tree. Oh, how we all laughed! The cursed treeman scored our first ever to carry the skull of a boar to the other side of the forest, but we are not sure if he can carry on playing for long, because he seems just too old for the game.He says he just likes to strangle squirrels and rabbits to death nowadays. He might be getting old.
The flesh of the two thralls was given to the Foundation For Old Flesh-Eating Witches. ”