“Opening round of the first Stunty RRR in over 6 months! It's my new gnome team vs Skolopender's night goblins.
We start with a kick that's going to land in their end zone and a BLITZ! We try and load a brave gnome into the cannon to catch the kick and score an amazing turn 0 TD but the cannon explodes, almost killing the poor gnome who somehow struggles free just in the nick of time! However this means the amazing touchdown isn't to be :(
A spider-rider ends up with the ball and we totally surround him- but he makes a 5+ leap right over the gnomes and dashes downfield!! We can barely reach him and he easily blitzes out to score on his 3rd turn. The goblin fans go wild!
We start with the ball and move it forwards slowly, focusing on bashing out the goblins to try and win the game over the course of the remaining 11 turns. One spider rider keeps attempting leap blitzes at the ball (fail & stun x2) and the other is moving around the side when a daredevil blitzes him and dauntlessly pushes him twice into the crowd, who relentlessly tear him to pieces! Our blocks and the opponents dodges this drive have truly been one-sided and the goblins are quickly down to just 3 players left on the pitch and we run the ball downfield in the hands of a daredevil. We clear the pitch of goblins on turn 8 just before our daredevil strolls in the touchdown to make it 1-1. The gobbo coach charges into his KO box at half time with a big broom and beats the resting goblins out onto the pitch, 5/6 returning for the second half (their only available players!) - at least making it a bit of a game for the fans; we set up 9.
Again numbers advantage really counts and we push upfield with purpose, eventually handing off to the daredevil who scored earlier to do it again and ensure a skill. 6 gobbos line up this time against our 9. They try a brave offense (once again succesfully LEAPing with a spider!) but it's no good against our mass of gnomes (and with their truly unlucky dodge skills), and we eventually score our third, ending the game.
Thanks Skolopender I enjoyed the game and I'm sorry it was so horrendously one-sided but thanks for being such a good sport in the face of misery!”
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A big thanks for sparking my Stunty interest again...
Oh no! More games to play and teams to tend.
GG mate, and my you rip your opponents to shreds further in the tournament.