“Classis Human VS orc match up last night. Humans dodging and moving keeping the greenskins "off" their game plan. Start of the game "Dandy Don" could not fight his way through the N so it was a 10 vs 9 match up. Bucs move down the field on the opening drive for the early lead and then drag down the orcs the rest of the half for the 1-0 lead. Krikack is taken out in 1/6 on a vicious block by 5 orcs and sent to the BH box. Bucs are apealling the block on the grounds that an illegal knuckle duster was invloved. Second half the orcs get the ball and start to lumber up the field but the humans swarm the short manned orcs and get the ball loose. "Red" inspires the bucs with a dodge, 2TZ pick up, dodge and Long Bomb to an open Hamlin down field for the 2-0 lead. The bucs at the end were ground down as the head cracking in the second half got under way and the bucs could only field 5 players for the Smashaz drive as the bucs do the "Olle" defense. Once again the bucs apoth. is asleep at the switch as he rolls ANOTHER 1 on a blitzer and WIlson is carted off the field, DEAD.
*MIssed 3 official blocks in the second Melle.
*Smashaz had knuckle dusters handi.
*the move and dodge strategy worked out tonight.
*"red" was on fire tonight with his pick ups and passes. Its allways nice when my thrower has more pass yardage than rushing.
*4 failed apoth in a row for the bucs.
Buccanners Game Day Stats
Total Blocks:12
succesful Blocks: 8 (67%)
armor checks: 8
succesful armor breaks: 3 (38%)
BH or better: 1/3 (33%)
Total Block DIce Rolled: 21
Skull: 2 (10%)
Push Back: 4 (19%)
Dodge: 5 (24%)
Block: 7 (33%)
KaPowie: 3 (14%)
Pick Up: 5/8 (63%)
Dodge: 14/19 (74%)
Pass: (5/7 (71%)
Catch: 4/5 (80%)
G.F.I.: 14/17 (82%)
Turnovers: 6
Double Fail Turnovers: 2
Double skull:0
Double 1's:0
Double 2's: 1
Team ReRolls used: 8
Skill ReRolls used: 4
Bone Head: 6/7 (86%)
Coin Flip: WON
*MIssed 3 official blocks in the second Melle.
*Smashaz had knuckle dusters handi.
*the move and dodge strategy worked out tonight.
*"red" was on fire tonight with his pick ups and passes. Its allways nice when my thrower has more pass yardage than rushing.
*4 failed apoth in a row for the bucs.