“Well not a single double skull came Shadeshifters way.
A complete whitewash. Absolutely appalling gameplay. All because I misclicked a dodge roll with a rat that shouldn't have tried to play dodge-em's in the first place led to the second and what was the game winning TD.
Rats were having a tea party in the KO box, they must have found some left-overs in there coz there were a lot of them in there, and for a large portion of the game.
1 crucial foul saw my chances of scoring dissappear down the rat-infested drains.
The bonuses were the skill rolls I got out of it, once the game was out of reach I focused on skill rolls for both players sitting on 5 spp and came up trumps with the skill rolls. A +MA for the SV was hastily accepted!
Qwarok's skill roll came from a double pow/skull which saw him get the SPP roll he needed but BH himself in the process. That and he really needs block.....to prevent that happening again.
In the end a poor game for the Skramblerz against a good coach. Rematch one day maybe if these rats can life their tails off the ground and start winning some games again!”
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A complete whitewash. Absolutely appalling gameplay. All because I misclicked a dodge roll with a rat that shouldn't have tried to play dodge-em's in the first place led to the second and what was the game winning TD.
Rats were having a tea party in the KO box, they must have found some left-overs in there coz there were a lot of them in there, and for a large portion of the game.
1 crucial foul saw my chances of scoring dissappear down the rat-infested drains.
The bonuses were the skill rolls I got out of it, once the game was out of reach I focused on skill rolls for both players sitting on 5 spp and came up trumps with the skill rolls. A +MA for the SV was hastily accepted!
Qwarok's skill roll came from a double pow/skull which saw him get the SPP roll he needed but BH himself in the process. That and he really needs block.....to prevent that happening again.
In the end a poor game for the Skramblerz against a good coach. Rematch one day maybe if these rats can life their tails off the ground and start winning some games again!”