“I really don't play games a lot in which I even rarely see a chance for a draw, but this one was one of those. After beeing challenged by Dwarfs (as mentioned in my Bio ...) little Zones came up to visit my Internationals (not that bashy but even worse as opponent when down to 8 and only 3 Players with a chance to knock a Zone down on 2/6). With those rare chances Kelvin did his job and got a TD out of the match, which was more than I wanted. On an averange FF-Value I tried to get back to 10 players, but that didn't happen so I will hold on :)
GG to WatchMe who did a good job and caught me in the mood of playing a no-chance game :)”
GG to WatchMe who did a good job and caught me in the mood of playing a no-chance game :)”