“After their brutal Rookie-Match the Internationals are back in business faster as expected, beating Hoffnan's Stars 2-1. The Dark Elf scored early but the Internationals stroke back with Kelvon scoring. Although a lot of KOs came round the corner offensivly the Internationals could't take advantage of that on defense as the Hoffnan's recovered well and niggled Kelvin, who was rescued. Nuffle refused the following foul on Kelvin maybe because this team has gone through so much early. Nevertheless Kelvin was finally BH'ed. With scoring the 2-1 in the second Half the Internationals had to win this with their Defense. Not really looking well on those dodgy Elves they were again rescued by Nuffle, but maybe you can't expect more with no ReRolls left on the Hoffnan's side.
GG to mav who played well but couldn't get the last action finished to tie this game, which surely would have been a fair result.”
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GG to mav who played well but couldn't get the last action finished to tie this game, which surely would have been a fair result.”