“The game was actually closer than the score would indicate. While my opponent did not have excessive bad luck (he managed to out-cas a khemri team!), it always struck on the most vital of his rolls. Most obvious of these is the failed 2d blitz on turn 2/8, which by all rights should have resulted in a 2-1 score.
Moment of the match:
Turn 1/2 - In the opponent's drive, a lone skeleton runs past orc lines to make a successful 1d blitz against the unprotected carrier; follows up this play by actually managing to pick up the ball. Proceeds to score handily in the next turn.”
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Moment of the match:
Turn 1/2 - In the opponent's drive, a lone skeleton runs past orc lines to make a successful 1d blitz against the unprotected carrier; follows up this play by actually managing to pick up the ball. Proceeds to score handily in the next turn.”