“I didnt said fat american. You foulded and it brings you nothnig. And that 9/11 was missclick it should be 911 like police. And why you didnt report your words like enjoy your niggling etc. ? Mby cos its your look. ”
Game started off nice with my opponent scoring in 4 turns, but I got a couple of his players off the pitch including his ogre. Although I did lose my Runner to a BH GFI =/
Rest of the first half i continued to grind against him, but could not pick up the ball with Joker so nothing really happened.
In the second half things got DIRTY!
Kraven the Hunter through a Block that would of killed a human, but the apo saved him. In responce Joker was fouled and knocked out. This upset my beam and we niggled Stinky Shoe in responce. Joker picked up the ball and headed towards the endzone when Electro decided to foul the Doom Bringer (the DP). This niggled him and turned sidnak into a poor sport. With comments raging from "fat american, you deserved 9/11.". This also started him whining that I kept fouling him when he refused to stand up his players.
If you don't want to foul don't foul buddy. I didn't have an apo the whole match and you fouled me. I'm not going to stop just because...why would I stop?
Joker decided not to let the humans have the ball back and waited at the EZ to score.”
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