CTV 1290k Undead
Tomb Kings CTV 1380k
#5 What did I say? – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#5 What did I say? – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#8 Don't foul me – Dead (RIP)
#5 Kapow-EE – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#10 Scapula – Dead (RIP)
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They start things off by getting the ref! Glad there's no DP on their team. They move backwards en masse to form a defensive pile around the ball. On our turn we blitz one zombie and gang foul him to the BH box but see our DP sent off, boo!
They are caging up but choose to use some of their 7 rerolls building free SPPs with completion attempts and the ball bounces out towards our end of things - so we sprint up a mummy and then blitz with our blitzra who pushes a zombie onto the ball then catches it as it bounces onto him! That doesn't last long however as the zombies swarm round like they are in a B horror film, taking him down and grabbing the ball. Meanwhile elsewhere on the pitch our diving tackle skeleton (who's never used that skill) has been killed! We exact revenge the next turn by killing a block-tackle zombie! This is going to be bloody!! The zombies move the ball to one side (gang-fouling our frenzy mummy to the KO box) and we pile in the mummies to try and take them down - getting our chance when 3 zombies vs 1 mummy can only get them a skull rerolled for another skull! We clear some space around the ball and our blitz-ra spends 2 turns and 2 rerolls unsuccesfully trying to pick it up. When he eventually gets it we notice time is running out on the half- and in fact we don't have enough time to get to the enemy's endzone and the half ends 0-0!
Our KO'd mummy fails to wake up so it's 10 v 11 for the 2nd half. We can't make any mistakes here with our slow speeds and advance slowly and carefully, making sure the enemy can't really get anywhere near our ball carrier. The zombies are playing a canny game however and are really putting the blocks in - we've taken 3 SIs (including one blitzra) and a kill so far and nothing has regenned.. starting to look a little thin on the ground out there! They've knocked down the ball carrier too and it takes a bit for us to a) free up space and as usual b) actually pick it up again! Time is fast running out and extra time may be difficult for us with so many casualties, as we finally make a rush for the endzone.. The zombies try their best but in the end all we have to make is a pushback with a block-mummy (no rerolls though!) to free our skeleton for the touchdown.. and he makes it!
We win 1-0 but it's been expensive - 5 casualties, no regens, and 4 players who won't see the next round!”