--Mr. Biggs, Chief Science Officer, Entropy Inc.
"Ooof, that was...awkward. Looks like Mr. Biggs is going to be up to his ears in paperwork, filling out HR complaint forms during the next game."
--Mr. Laffey, Global Strategist, Entropy Inc.
"I'll have to crunch some figures before our next game against these guys. Our estimates for this game were waaay off!"
--Mr. Freeman, Analytics Officer, Entropy Inc.
*quietly sips his coffee*
--Bob, Unconfirmed Position, Entropy Inc.
"This was a slow paced game--pretty much a brawl at mid field for the entire thing, with neither side really going anywhere. All of the team's non-essential blocks seemed to work, but everything that mattered resulted in--well, nothing. Pushes or Skull/POWs. This made it hard to get any kind of positioning on the ball, and the other team took as much advantage of it as possible, and were able to eventually score in the final turn. Good match, and good luck in this close season!"
--Coach Yabbernox”
“Stripperella, 14 Zombie, now retired
"*wearing dented Chaos Warrior helmet* Hey! Look what I got as a tip!"
Pimp Daddy, 14 Flesh Golem, Captain
"Playing Chaos is not a lot of fun. The ladies spent a lot of time on their backs, and I wasnt getting paid for it. The Madam and myself had our hands full taking on the warriors, though fortunately most of the time their clip boards and TPA reports kept them from causing more damage than they did. I'm still unsure why Reese has to work on Saturday..."
Madam, 14 Flesh Zombie
"I might have mistaken this game for Orks vs Orks had I not been in it myself. Not much ball play, more ball denial. Personally, I prefer stilleto heels as balls denial...But anyway, I got tired of it and told Furrball to pick up that damn ball and score or he'd be bunking with Policeman Fabulous. I guess that worked."
Policeman Fabulous, 14 Zombie
"Ok, so I take back some of what I said. Bob is a total hunk whom I'd break my vow of no beasts on. Big hunking slab of muscle, and always horny *he winks* I think he can steer me in the right direction. Excuse me while I go cow-tow him. *prances off*"”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
--Mr. Biggs, Chief Science Officer, Entropy Inc.
"Ooof, that was...awkward. Looks like Mr. Biggs is going to be up to his ears in paperwork, filling out HR complaint forms during the next game."
--Mr. Laffey, Global Strategist, Entropy Inc.
"I'll have to crunch some figures before our next game against these guys. Our estimates for this game were waaay off!"
--Mr. Freeman, Analytics Officer, Entropy Inc.
*quietly sips his coffee*
--Bob, Unconfirmed Position, Entropy Inc.
"This was a slow paced game--pretty much a brawl at mid field for the entire thing, with neither side really going anywhere. All of the team's non-essential blocks seemed to work, but everything that mattered resulted in--well, nothing. Pushes or Skull/POWs. This made it hard to get any kind of positioning on the ball, and the other team took as much advantage of it as possible, and were able to eventually score in the final turn. Good match, and good luck in this close season!"
--Coach Yabbernox”