“Game opening RIP, apo fail, to our storm vermin purchased 2 seconds before the match. Kinda pissed off the rest of my guys, who went ballistic on the humans. A little TOO ballistic, as the humans bottled up tight in their own end zone and sent out two catchers deep for the very remote chance of a score. One catcher I removed...the other refused to be tripped by diving tackles in 3 consecutive turns, scooping up the ball that was heaved the length of the pitch by his thrower in a desperation move. Smartly played, helped by a beneficial bounce of that throw and a very ill-timed 1d skull-rr-skull on my part. I should've won, had I played smarter. My bad, and I demand a rematch!”
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Then I demand av9, those rats are scary
2 RIPs 2SI's (1 crippled ST6Ogre) and a bunch of BH's and KO's,
Next time we play I'll want to hand you some hurt
See ya