There have been strange things happening in the forest one spring. Some of the really old evil treeman fell on really dark nights and they were never seen again. Such was the fate of Gorebranch, the revered and wise bane of travellers. The Queen was enraged by these happenings, so she ordered her minions to find the deliquents. The fairies started the hunt, but they couldn't find them. After three nights they finally fould a burrow that led to the intruders lair. The Bane of Rabbits was sent down to chase out vermin. Weremole, the blind pixie was fighting by his side. The vermin tried to escape, but they were badly punished while doing so. The remaining trees were whipping them while they ran, one of them was hanged on Blightedbranch. Bruised and battered they ran out of the forest.”
There have been strange things happening in the forest one spring. Some of the really old evil treeman fell on really dark nights and they were never seen again. Such was the fate of Gorebranch, the revered and wise bane of travellers. The Queen was enraged by these happenings, so she ordered her minions to find the deliquents. The fairies started the hunt, but they couldn't find them. After three nights they finally fould a burrow that led to the intruders lair. The Bane of Rabbits was sent down to chase out vermin. Weremole, the blind pixie was fighting by his side. The vermin tried to escape, but they were badly punished while doing so. The remaining trees were whipping them while they ran, one of them was hanged on Blightedbranch. Bruised and battered they ran out of the forest.”