Took a wizard and Grim to try and punch some holes in the dwarf line, but it was my dice that won me the game in the end. Wizard gave my blodging blitzer AG4, and despite getting knocked over in the first half he was able to score.
My DP proved ineffective, while Wotfudboy badly hurt a longbeard with his. One of my blockers badly hurt a troll slayer, Grim killed a blocker who was apothecaried and my blitzer crippled his opponent.
Wotfudboy had the chance to equalise after breaking through in the second half, but a 1 on a GFI gave me the ball and my blocking dice kept true.
Both teams took a wizard but Wilf took the Dwarf Star.
3rd round and out. Simply out diced by Wilf who's only slip up was a double skull without reroll at the end onf the 1st half, but he still had enough luck in store to score.
2nd half was just awful... but no lasting damage except to this team's pride. ”
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Took a wizard and Grim to try and punch some holes in the dwarf line, but it was my dice that won me the game in the end. Wizard gave my blodging blitzer AG4, and despite getting knocked over in the first half he was able to score.
My DP proved ineffective, while Wotfudboy badly hurt a longbeard with his. One of my blockers badly hurt a troll slayer, Grim killed a blocker who was apothecaried and my blitzer crippled his opponent.
Wotfudboy had the chance to equalise after breaking through in the second half, but a 1 on a GFI gave me the ball and my blocking dice kept true.
Cheers for the game, and better luck next time.”