“A game that the Stonemasons were never really in.....
They started off receiving but took a Blitz kockoff result, both Troll Slaters cas'ed out of the game in first 2 turns as well as as a failed RR GFI turnover that left the ball in the middle of the Chaos team.
Red played good steady bloodbowl; but with the much higher ST players and a 2+ player advantage it was easy for him to control the game and grind away.
3 Pt: #8 AG4 sure hands goat that was dodging and passing all over the field. Good player that I had planned to foul out but never got my hands on.....
2 Pt: #3 the claw handed goat; took out the trollsleyer turn 1 and started the downhill slide
1Pt:: #1 the teams DP - was sent off early first half on his first foul.... argued the call and then kicked a few other players and the ref never looked at him again!”
“Bad luck for Gregory, my dice were hot from the start and didn't cool down.
10 k winnings though. FFS.
The big worry coming into the game was his slayers. After turn 2, they were not a worry any longer. For the second game in a row the first blitz by Annapurna removed a MB Daunt threat from the game. He must really hate them. No double skulls this game at all, which ment we we're never in a possition to be hurt by a turnover. I was going to try for a third TD but the dwarves never gave up and kept on putting bodies on which slowed the roll to TDdom down a little.
Thanks the GnW for taking his dice like a man and not giving up the fight.
3pts: Muark Coal-Biter : ST4 and always in the mix. Couldn't remove him though I targeted him quite a lot. He constantly applied body pressure to my ball carrier and slowed things up.
2pts: Kidrem Grimbreaker : St4 Blitzer was misused occasionally where he could have made a bigger impact but 2 pts for making 10 blocks.
1pt: Tlec Glittermine : not a single block or stat for him but a SF dwarf is always a pain in the backside, even when he's getting knocked over every turn by a angry CW.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
They started off receiving but took a Blitz kockoff result, both Troll Slaters cas'ed out of the game in first 2 turns as well as as a failed RR GFI turnover that left the ball in the middle of the Chaos team.
Red played good steady bloodbowl; but with the much higher ST players and a 2+ player advantage it was easy for him to control the game and grind away.
3 Pt: #8 AG4 sure hands goat that was dodging and passing all over the field. Good player that I had planned to foul out but never got my hands on.....
2 Pt: #3 the claw handed goat; took out the trollsleyer turn 1 and started the downhill slide
1Pt:: #1 the teams DP - was sent off early first half on his first foul.... argued the call and then kicked a few other players and the ref never looked at him again!”