“The Deadites took the ball from the kickoff and worked it downfield. However a failed blitz on turn 8 saw both down and the mummy catching the scattered ball in his ample hands looking confused. 0 - 0
Second half and the Raiders ran over quickly to score by flooding the endzone and keeping a GR back with the ball. Next kickoff and all 7 of the hard-hitting Wrestlers's KO'd rats stayed KO'd. With just 5 rats - reduced to 3 after a turn - it was up to Nuffle whether the deadites were going to draw it. 3 failed pickups later and Nuffle's kind hands guided the Raiders to their 4 win of the season.
3 votes: Andre the Giant - Hard Hitting Mummy that wouldn't be left out of the play.
2 votes: Eddy Guerro - Ghoul that wouldn't go down.
1 vote: Giant Baba II - The other big pain in the neck.”
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