“GG to a classy coach. And I'll let you in on a secret. "All you needed was a couple tackles and my team would have been mulch." See you at the rematch :)”
“Kondor took the customary walk across the field and shook hands with Snappy Dresser.
Indeed, the paparazzi had been completely demolished by goblins, but that is what the Paparazzi was built for. They will confront only the best coaches around. Kondor smiled and said "This is not the last you will see of me. After you teach me all of your tricks and techniques you will not find me so easy to beat. The day will come that I present a challenge."
As the two parted way's Kondor passed the goblin Crotch Shot and gave him a good kick in the stomach. This gobo alone had fallen to the other team. If he were going to be out for the next game, he would have to earn it.
Finally, he reached the team statistician. Looking at the numbers he muttered "Lies, damn lies, and statistics." 11% luck difference? Not a chance. Kondor had been out coached plain and simple. He was forced to make too many moves in desperation. That would have to change for the next match.
In his head he formulated a plan. Game plan: If the little turds get by you, no more chasing. Pound the troll until he gives the ball back. It has to work better for the orcs than playing slap and tickle with grobi.
Coaching Plan: Hire some gobos and learn how to use them right. Maybe a whole team full.
Tonight would be a night of contemplation. Tomorrow he would find another coach for the Paparazzi to stalk.
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.