No teams are suggested, so I look at the coaches team list, to see who they are likley to play. In Roscou's case, he only has 1 [R] team, so it narrowed it down somewhat! Because Roscou did not suggest a team I should play, I decided to bring who I wanted! It's simple really, there can be no complaint if you DON'T specify which teams are to be played!
As it was Roscou's Wood Elves asked for the kicking they recieved. He went toe to toe with me the whole game, he tried to swarm my Mummies, which is a dream come true for Khemri players, and my target + destroy on the always dangerous wardancers worked a treat. The ref was on my case, which was just as well for Roscou really, given that he had a DP on the pitch (until I bagged him!) and fouled TWICE with a non DP player! He moved his tree 1st during his turn almost every turn, (always dangerous) GFI'd with him (VERY dangerous) and blitzed with him loads! (again, Dangerous)
I would respectfully suggest that you spectate a few Wood elf games to see how they should be played. You stand and fight against the likes of Khemri (or any other team for that matter with woodies), and you wont last more than a few games. As it was I didn't do the kind of damage I am capable of!
And next time you offer a game, I would suggest specifying the teams!
EDIT : Play for fun? I have fun when I'm WINNING. This is Ranked. It's Brutal. Get used to it. Or stay in Academy until you're ready to play for real. As for lying? Well, the replay doesn't lie.....”
#1 Lord Voldemort – Dead (RIP) #9 Wormteil – Dead (RIP) #11 prof. Quirell – Serious Concussion (-AV)
“So i thought, we are playing for fun and we want well-balanced matchs, you was searching for a match with your woodies(same level as mines), your woodies and mine was Suggested Opponents so i thin so, you had to see that but Calcium see, that i'm a new guy with new elfs(140rating) so why don't play with khemri(170) and klill my team.
i only want to say you are lying in your comments, i wasn't asked to receive, moving my tree is was trying to stand him up, and you were fouling several times with DP(for example death of my WD, if i don't blunder ”
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'Hi, fancy a game?'
No teams are suggested, so I look at the coaches team list, to see who they are likley to play. In Roscou's case, he only has 1 [R] team, so it narrowed it down somewhat! Because Roscou did not suggest a team I should play, I decided to bring who I wanted! It's simple really, there can be no complaint if you DON'T specify which teams are to be played!
As it was Roscou's Wood Elves asked for the kicking they recieved. He went toe to toe with me the whole game, he tried to swarm my Mummies, which is a dream come true for Khemri players, and my target + destroy on the always dangerous wardancers worked a treat. The ref was on my case, which was just as well for Roscou really, given that he had a DP on the pitch (until I bagged him!) and fouled TWICE with a non DP player! He moved his tree 1st during his turn almost every turn, (always dangerous) GFI'd with him (VERY dangerous) and blitzed with him loads! (again, Dangerous)
I would respectfully suggest that you spectate a few Wood elf games to see how they should be played. You stand and fight against the likes of Khemri (or any other team for that matter with woodies), and you wont last more than a few games. As it was I didn't do the kind of damage I am capable of!
And next time you offer a game, I would suggest specifying the teams!
EDIT : Play for fun? I have fun when I'm WINNING. This is Ranked. It's Brutal. Get used to it. Or stay in Academy until you're ready to play for real. As for lying? Well, the replay doesn't lie.....”