#5 Karl, Metal King – Dead (RIP) #14 Frenzy Fred – Dead (RIP)
“To thy final death throes, charge with blazing sun behind, and regiments of hulking orcs dead ahead!
The Charioteers clash fiercely with the New England Patriot Legends for a game that will be long to fade in the memories of all who beheld this day!
Hail to Biondi! Chosen by the lords of fate to rule this day! Braves pounding from the giants, fouls from the "for defense only" dirty players, and shines as he bests a troll, intercepts the ball, and scores the winning TD against all odds!!! To you the treasures of battle! A battle car, laced with gold! And a woman, to christen it!
And to Afterburn, who slips behind enemy lines, and sprint to fame! Here the roar of one hundred thousand strong! "Touchdown! "
Glory to Karl, the Metal King! Ride home swift as thy ax shred's!! He sprints to the ball, trips, and lands upon its spikes!!! Through the head it joins with you! Merged, you send it near Snakes...as it sends you home...in darkness!
And to Frenzy Fred, ganged fouled into oblivion! But wait...he still clutches his prize possession...the living head of the Skitzophrenic Angel, Xixi! After the game, the arcane rites of Bleeding Death are cast! Merge together, Hell's warrior and Hell's angel! Let the head of immortality rest upon mortal shoulders! Rise to battle, Xixi...the Frenzy Fred Avatar!
DeMaio "A great and surprising win! Feast upon the spoils of victory...with tens of thousands fans...let the decadent vices of animals...rule this night!"”
The Charioteers clash fiercely with the New England Patriot Legends for a game that will be long to fade in the memories of all who beheld this day!
Hail to Biondi! Chosen by the lords of fate to rule this day! Braves pounding from the giants, fouls from the "for defense only" dirty players, and shines as he bests a troll, intercepts the ball, and scores the winning TD against all odds!!! To you the treasures of battle! A battle car, laced with gold! And a woman, to christen it!
And to Afterburn, who slips behind enemy lines, and sprint to fame! Here the roar of one hundred thousand strong! "Touchdown! "
Glory to Karl, the Metal King! Ride home swift as thy ax shred's!! He sprints to the ball, trips, and lands upon its spikes!!! Through the head it joins with you! Merged, you send it near Snakes...as it sends you home...in darkness!
And to Frenzy Fred, ganged fouled into oblivion! But wait...he still clutches his prize possession...the living head of the Skitzophrenic Angel, Xixi! After the game, the arcane rites of Bleeding Death are cast! Merge together, Hell's warrior and Hell's angel! Let the head of immortality rest upon mortal shoulders! Rise to battle, Xixi...the Frenzy Fred Avatar!
DeMaio "A great and surprising win! Feast upon the spoils of victory...with tens of thousands fans...let the decadent vices of animals...rule this night!"”