Silibili was duely hired, gangfouled on Turn one to a KO, and never returned until the end of the second half!
As a result the teams attention was accidently caught by the ball, and they foolishly spent their time trying to win the game rather than getting that Saurus woken up and fouled again!
Thanks for the game asharak, was fun! Rematch anytime.
With large portions of my team in the KO box at any one time this game seemed to be over by turn two. However somehow it kept going & I was even briefly threatening, if not very....
I'll get you next time, you can't break amrour 9 like that every time can you??!?
Bah humbug. :)
Silbili is cheap enough that I'm sure a rematch can be had!”
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Silibili was duely hired, gangfouled on Turn one to a KO, and never returned until the end of the second half!
As a result the teams attention was accidently caught by the ball, and they foolishly spent their time trying to win the game rather than getting that Saurus woken up and fouled again!
Thanks for the game asharak, was fun! Rematch anytime.
Silibili 1 - 0 Bring out Your Stars”