“In a match that was just at times frustrating at best, the undead presidents just couldnt get anything going. several dropped attempts at getting the ball, just no real luck at all. other that a dead chaos warrior my oppenent with good luck and skill managed to make a big lead bigger. to take our anger out on this team we gave them a good bye kick, in which the stupid troll couldnt recover. very well played, grats”
“My players were on form for this game, and scored several impressive touch downs. Acta Non Verba continues his run of impressive completions, Nulli Secundus was a thorn in the side of the ghouls, and Stupor Mundi continue to impress by occupying the mummies, not as useless as most big guys. In fact, so infuriated were the undead at the scale of the defeat that they resorted to gang fouling the troll as the last act of a game in which they were second best on the field of play.
Promising warrior Ordo Ab Chao died when the apothecary couldn't find his missing jaw after he was fouled early in the match. It turned out it was stuck in the foot of Thomas Jefferson.”
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