“Let it be known im gonna kill all dark elves for what they did today
First they organise an ARMED assault at the start of the game taking down half the team and poisoning 3 of our number keeping them out until half time,
Then because Elrond my nephew had the skill and presence to score despite their low down treachery they cursed the ball with a chaos charm breaking the laws about the use of wizards in bloodbowl games so that when he next handeled the ball it caused him to trip and some debris planted by the crowd kills him,
For these acts of treason against the rules all dark elves that get in my way will be dead meat
(post game comments of Feanor 'Firestorm' Felnarris)”
First they organise an ARMED assault at the start of the game taking down half the team and poisoning 3 of our number keeping them out until half time,
Then because Elrond my nephew had the skill and presence to score despite their low down treachery they cursed the ball with a chaos charm breaking the laws about the use of wizards in bloodbowl games so that when he next handeled the ball it caused him to trip and some debris planted by the crowd kills him,
For these acts of treason against the rules all dark elves that get in my way will be dead meat
(post game comments of Feanor 'Firestorm' Felnarris)”