“Well fbbl won the flip and i had to kick the ball first.<br>Kick result was riot 5 turns fbbl did start to grin and was saying well this is not funny but ther is a smalll chans i can make it.
He starts to move a goul up so he has some one to pass and score whit, and after that he is going to start hitting me "mumie vs one black orc 2 dices skull skull reroll skull skull and ther is no goal in the first half.<br>
2 half i get the ball up whit a line orc and start moveng slow forward fbbl get the ref btw. i hit out a skeleton and a mumie get BH and fbbl send my troll out to bh but them 2 regen. I going on slow and safe but somehow i but the ball so fbbl can get to him but tripps on a go for it and from ther its no problem for me to stall the game out.<p>
Fbbl had uber bad luck and i haf a bit over 50% all the game.”
He starts to move a goul up so he has some one to pass and score whit, and after that he is going to start hitting me "mumie vs one black orc 2 dices skull skull reroll skull skull and ther is no goal in the first half.<br>
2 half i get the ball up whit a line orc and start moveng slow forward fbbl get the ref btw. i hit out a skeleton and a mumie get BH and fbbl send my troll out to bh but them 2 regen. I going on slow and safe but somehow i but the ball so fbbl can get to him but tripps on a go for it and from ther its no problem for me to stall the game out.<p>
Fbbl had uber bad luck and i haf a bit over 50% all the game.”