“It was a grueling game between the Orcs and the Chaos Dwarfs. The Midnight Strikes spread slander and lies about Drunk With Power and only half of their normal fans showed up. Because of a typical dwarf drinking binge, Jan Greybeard was confused and very bone headed. The ball was kicked and Mike Drumsey was killed in the first turn, the apo failed, and soon after that T-Money broke his arm. A few turns later as the Dwarfs were marching down field, Lynne was killed in a violent rage. Travis tripped over himself and broke his leg late in the game. In a surprising turn of events, Bully the minotaur was given the ball, perhaps by mistake and he managed to run it in for a touch down but came dangerously close to not score because of wild animal. This match was what Drunk with Power needed to rally after their last loss. This has been SunShineGang reporting. Back to you Jim.”