Me was recieving: First four turns made by me all ended in a double one... soon ball was in Orx hands and after those four turns he scored.
Hmm... it looked like the rats decided to even that out now:
1-1 on my turn 8 so oneturngobboattempt. Ball was kicked too far away and 2nd half.
He recieved and made a good and fast pressure. Ball was after turn 1 in the topper middle of my field and well covered. The only thing, that safed me from an early 2-1 was the ag4, st4 stripball thrower, who decided to give everything he had and ball was back mine. Very nice to watch. Another example why it is IMPORTANT to stretch your luck to the almost impossible.
Three turns later 3 orx joined themselfes in the KO box and way was free to stall... Turn 8: 2-1 for the little sewer-freaks.
Great game and pls more of that stuff.
Me was recieving: First four turns made by me all ended in a double one... soon ball was in Orx hands and after those four turns he scored.
Hmm... it looked like the rats decided to even that out now:
1-1 on my turn 8 so oneturngobboattempt. Ball was kicked too far away and 2nd half.
He recieved and made a good and fast pressure. Ball was after turn 1 in the topper middle of my field and well covered. The only thing, that safed me from an early 2-1 was the ag4, st4 stripball thrower, who decided to give everything he had and ball was back mine. Very nice to watch. Another example why it is IMPORTANT to stretch your luck to the almost impossible.
Three turns later 3 orx joined themselfes in the KO box and way was free to stall... Turn 8: 2-1 for the little sewer-freaks.
Great game and pls more of that stuff.