“Slippery little buggars! Couldnt hurt em, couldnt contain em. Only thing worth noting was a foul at the end that makes his 4st lineman miss next game. Im sure his next oponent will appreciate that. Well, I dont have to decide on if I should fire my niggling beastman who had 4 skills anymore. The elves killed him, and the apothcary screwed up on the save. Two guys did gain skills though. The mino now has every st skill available, 4 skills rolls and not one doubles, blah!
Hmm, if I cant even make it past one round of fumbbl minors vs elves, then these guys arent ready for the Lustrian Challenge. Got some work to do before then. ”
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Hmm, if I cant even make it past one round of fumbbl minors vs elves, then these guys arent ready for the Lustrian Challenge. Got some work to do before then. ”