“Well after being 28%-66% after two turns on my own drive, Elrond KO'd and approximately 7 players left on the field, I was pretty despondant and was seriously thinking about falling back on fouling myself into the Sin Bin for safe keeping....
But after all I was playing a coach 0.07 CR less than me and a scummy Lancashire twat too....so I persisted in trying to get the ball, and almost scored too. Anyhow holding out for teh 0-0 at half time was a major boost for the Imladris Isolationists, as they then knew these Gondor Stewards for what they were....pretenders to the crown!! The King would return and he would be kin of the Imladris folk.
In the second half the Stewards recieved but found themselves ambushed by starting Elven guile and lost the ball before even moving. A pathetic attempt to retrieve the ball saw an easy hand off and score. 1-0 Imladris
From the restart the Stewards were driving forward and scored, despite a near attempt by Elrond to retrive the ball from the cage with his imfamous Leaping skills. 1-1
Imladris then made a great attempt to score twice being thwated by passes gone awry, and in the end teh game was a fair reflection of Elven agility v Human bashiness.
Well played and I hope you kill someones team now :D”
But after all I was playing a coach 0.07 CR less than me and a scummy Lancashire twat too....so I persisted in trying to get the ball, and almost scored too. Anyhow holding out for teh 0-0 at half time was a major boost for the Imladris Isolationists, as they then knew these Gondor Stewards for what they were....pretenders to the crown!! The King would return and he would be kin of the Imladris folk.
In the second half the Stewards recieved but found themselves ambushed by starting Elven guile and lost the ball before even moving. A pathetic attempt to retrieve the ball saw an easy hand off and score. 1-0 Imladris
From the restart the Stewards were driving forward and scored, despite a near attempt by Elrond to retrive the ball from the cage with his imfamous Leaping skills. 1-1
Imladris then made a great attempt to score twice being thwated by passes gone awry, and in the end teh game was a fair reflection of Elven agility v Human bashiness.
Well played and I hope you kill someones team now :D”