Ratzingerz were waiting to play the Competitive Eaters in a smack down of Majors winners last night but the Eaters backed out last night at the last minute, a beer chugging contest on a row of 100 taverns was to much of a draw for the eaters. So the Ratz did not want to be stood up took on the Buccaneers as stand ins, local favorites and all, should be good for attendance. Well that went south real quick for the RATS!!!! by turn 2 they realized they were in a heap of trouble and looking for the nearest escape route out of the stadium. The Buccaneer fans were oppressive in there rage and got the ref! BH a Rat! tripped a GFI thrower for a KO!! kept the Rats KO box under assault and did not let anyone move!! Threw a well placed rock that sent a MV 10 Gutter Runner to the BH box on an amazing throw that hit him right on the bridge of his nose, Blood was spewing every where for the pure plesure of the crowd. And on top of it Frankie Luckson of Altdorf was on row 29 seat 18, the throw was over 119 paces in length, forgot about trajectory. He was awarded a free season ticket pass to all Buccanners games for his throw. Oh and his wife got a autograhped Krikack 6XX jersey to boot!! now that is true fan appreciation. It was a awesome display of home field advantage.
For the actuall game itself the Bucs played it close to the vest and did not take any risks with those gutter runners lurking on the wings waiting for a loose ball. The entire game plan was play conservative and it won the day.
There we ztood and were pizzed off cauze of being dizmizzed by the Competitivez. What a dorfish behaviour... *pfah*. Inztead of doing their job they are following their inztinctz and swallowing poison. Anyway - We have been there, Jacky and hiz boyz didnt show up. But there waz another team: The local Buccaneerz invented uz former winnerz into their eztatez. Oh by holy nuffle, we live, but it didnt look like that until the end. We never had to face zuch hooliganz. The Bucz trapped uz becauze they controlled the entriez and only a small amount of our groupiez could get (through the zewerz) into the arena. After the local fanz noticed, what haz happened, they zeeled the entriez to the zewerz: No exit left. It waz obviouz, that they have told the zecurity not to allow entranze for ANY rat under any circumztancez.
The fanz waiting outzide managed to kidnap the wife of Ref Bill zo we had him under our will, too. And by nuffle, that haz been neccezzary. My doc gave hiz bezt and injected zome zteroidzinto Schnitterz legz but zoon he fell under the heavy hitz of Krikack and two well placed bootz. My Zebi turned out to be the most important skav on the pitch and booted one after another into the realm of dreamz but until the zecond half not a zingle former KOed rat waz able to dodge between the fanz back to the pitch, who controlled the KO- box via an armageddon like rain of ztonez, coinz, pintz and other ztuff. Zuddenly a ztone waz appearing out of nowhere... not one of the normal zize and unaimed; no... It waz a rock, throwen by a profezzional, aimed perfectly and with a ztrength after which hit gutter Fazter haznt zaw anything bezide the ztarz and he haz been the only chance to even out the zcore. The azzazzin waz identified by the ztadium announcer az a Frankie Luckzon of Altdorf... he wont harm uz any more becauze we took care of that incident on our way: When little mummy and daddy were up to zit on Krikack'z lapz, another zmall amount of fanz played hide and zeek with of Altdorf'z little kidz - guezz who won thiz zweet and innocent childplay.
Thiz waznt a game anymore. It waz war and we just tripped into an ambush.
Anyway, we all ezcaped and managed to zteal a zmall zum of the entry fee.
There will be a rematch. There will be a game under more "even" circumztancez... there will be a revenge and now we will be prepared. May the fury of Zkavenblight haunt you and may warpztone fire follow you into your cutezt dreamz....
We will meet again."
This was the most hilarious game I ever had. I could have lozt 0-8, but it wouldnt have mattered: I never fall off my chair because of laughter in reality before.”
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Ratzingerz were waiting to play the Competitive Eaters in a smack down of Majors winners last night but the Eaters backed out last night at the last minute, a beer chugging contest on a row of 100 taverns was to much of a draw for the eaters. So the Ratz did not want to be stood up took on the Buccaneers as stand ins, local favorites and all, should be good for attendance. Well that went south real quick for the RATS!!!! by turn 2 they realized they were in a heap of trouble and looking for the nearest escape route out of the stadium. The Buccaneer fans were oppressive in there rage and got the ref! BH a Rat! tripped a GFI thrower for a KO!! kept the Rats KO box under assault and did not let anyone move!! Threw a well placed rock that sent a MV 10 Gutter Runner to the BH box on an amazing throw that hit him right on the bridge of his nose, Blood was spewing every where for the pure plesure of the crowd. And on top of it Frankie Luckson of Altdorf was on row 29 seat 18, the throw was over 119 paces in length, forgot about trajectory. He was awarded a free season ticket pass to all Buccanners games for his throw. Oh and his wife got a autograhped Krikack 6XX jersey to boot!! now that is true fan appreciation. It was a awesome display of home field advantage.
For the actuall game itself the Bucs played it close to the vest and did not take any risks with those gutter runners lurking on the wings waiting for a loose ball. The entire game plan was play conservative and it won the day.
Great game AoP-Vimes, alot of fun.”