“1. Halfe Lame game...
My Opponent needet 4 minutes per turn mostly, if he didn't needet the 4 minutes was because Nuffle raped him...
2. Half wasn't Funyer... when i got him he didn't stand up and just waitet till the Game was over...
Lame gaming...
Where is the fun in such games?
and like always: don't wine just Shine!”
“My opponnet had me down to 4 men by mid 2nd so I decided to just leave my men down, click my turn away & let him score rather than conceed. He thought it would be fun to foul my down players as he said "just for damage". Pretty unneccesary & unsportsman like in my book as it serves no purpose to advancing a team, but whatever. To each their own...”
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My Opponent needet 4 minutes per turn mostly, if he didn't needet the 4 minutes was because Nuffle raped him...
2. Half wasn't Funyer... when i got him he didn't stand up and just waitet till the Game was over...
Lame gaming...
Where is the fun in such games?
and like always: don't wine just Shine!”