“It was a classic Orc Vs Orc game. As Orcetallica received the kick at the start, they rushed to join The Gargant Players on the LOS. Blows were exchanged and no-one could get the upper-hand at first. With a few deft strikes, several Gargant players were struck down and injured. One LineOrc was brutally killed, and a Black Orc saved only at the last minute by the intervention of an Apothecary. Orcetallica had little trouble in keeping Gargant on the centre line as steady progress was made towards the end-zone, and a TD was scored. In retaliation, an Orctalion was struck down, and revived by the bold efforts of the Team's medic.
From then on, Gargant's patience was tested. They received, and cautiously moved the ball to the LOS, but no further. Probing for weaknesses in the Orctallion lines, the ball carrier sprinted from one side of the pitch hoping for a gap. The turns ticked by, but the patient approach payed off! Several Orctallion Players were felled, and they ultimately had fewer players on the pitch. With great effort, Gargant held back their opponents. A Blitzer made a rapid advance down one edge of the pitch. The Opposing team's intercepting players failed to stop the desperate Gargant Blitzer, and he scored a late TD to even up the score.
Plenty of violence, a lot of tension, and a decent dose of blood-letting made it a fun game!”
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From then on, Gargant's patience was tested. They received, and cautiously moved the ball to the LOS, but no further. Probing for weaknesses in the Orctallion lines, the ball carrier sprinted from one side of the pitch hoping for a gap. The turns ticked by, but the patient approach payed off! Several Orctallion Players were felled, and they ultimately had fewer players on the pitch. With great effort, Gargant held back their opponents. A Blitzer made a rapid advance down one edge of the pitch. The Opposing team's intercepting players failed to stop the desperate Gargant Blitzer, and he scored a late TD to even up the score.
Plenty of violence, a lot of tension, and a decent dose of blood-letting made it a fun game!”