“Hungry for battle, the siege engines of death stride unto the fields of destiny and clash with the might of ogres!
Last time we fought Ogres Inc, we won...and two norse rode home! This time, the reverse! Defeat is at hand, but we walk away with two prizes!
Hail to Columbus, reaper of souls, claims another! The hands of Doom snuff the life of Jock McRowdy with a fierce smack to the head!
And to DeMaio, alpha blitzer, another fails by way of Deathstrike! Nay, apothecary, the cold talons of death shall not be denied! You're medicine ways cannot stop the calling of Gunslinger to the netherworlds!
DeMaio "a bitter defeat. the charioteers played like rookies with the ball. We must please the lords of bloodbowl!" With this, DeMaio rips the right hand off Destiny (niggle age).
"Gods of war I call you! Stand by our side in the face of combat! Let the all the horrid hosts of Hell fuel our limbs and bring destruction and defeat upon our enemies. Take today, the hand of Destiny as your prize! If it not be enough, then tomorrow, you shall be given more of him til thou is pleased!"
The hand is tossed into the bonfire...and charioteers chant the songs of the war god!
Last time we fought Ogres Inc, we won...and two norse rode home! This time, the reverse! Defeat is at hand, but we walk away with two prizes!
Hail to Columbus, reaper of souls, claims another! The hands of Doom snuff the life of Jock McRowdy with a fierce smack to the head!
And to DeMaio, alpha blitzer, another fails by way of Deathstrike! Nay, apothecary, the cold talons of death shall not be denied! You're medicine ways cannot stop the calling of Gunslinger to the netherworlds!
DeMaio "a bitter defeat. the charioteers played like rookies with the ball. We must please the lords of bloodbowl!" With this, DeMaio rips the right hand off Destiny (niggle age).
"Gods of war I call you! Stand by our side in the face of combat! Let the all the horrid hosts of Hell fuel our limbs and bring destruction and defeat upon our enemies. Take today, the hand of Destiny as your prize! If it not be enough, then tomorrow, you shall be given more of him til thou is pleased!"
The hand is tossed into the bonfire...and charioteers chant the songs of the war god!
Woe to our enemies on the field!