“At daybreaks dawn, the scent of gor fills the lungs of 100,000 frenzied fans! We bring you, the broken bodies of elvenkind! to your thrill, we slave upon the fields! Let the scythed wheels of hate fly! Shred the enemy to the bone! Victory is thy name!
Hail to Grave Craver! Thy injured leg limits thee not! In single combat vs a wardancer, you score on turn16 and win the game! The bounty is yours! Plunder your fill!
DeMaio "The blackwinds of death are alive! With the joining of Gloves of Metal, we are one member away from fufilling our upcoming destiny! I sense greatness afoot!"
The charioteers blast hard the rythmns of primal power through the night! Tonights victory party commences! Let beer and fire be unleashed, and spread like a plague!”
Hail to Grave Craver! Thy injured leg limits thee not! In single combat vs a wardancer, you score on turn16 and win the game! The bounty is yours! Plunder your fill!
DeMaio "The blackwinds of death are alive! With the joining of Gloves of Metal, we are one member away from fufilling our upcoming destiny! I sense greatness afoot!"
The charioteers blast hard the rythmns of primal power through the night! Tonights victory party commences! Let beer and fire be unleashed, and spread like a plague!”