“The Solidarities was a bit down, after the last match... Having lost a Fanatic, as you oft times do, and 2 players could not make it to the start. Still a numerous team, they fielded against the Toolies...
A tool... how matching for a team that, among others, has its theme from Gobwin knob.
They Solidarities played it safe, hanging back with the secret weap... I mean... with key players, and didn't field all of them. They were ready to strike. But not at all ready to play ball, and after fumbbling around the opponents tackle zones, they tripped over looking baffled, as the toolys scored a TD.
This angered the Solidarities, though still keeping their defensive stance, Redcloak went crazy, Raining down Fire Bolts on the enemy... giving them a hard time standing. Thog were ALL OUT OF ICE CREAM... driving him into a boredom induced RAGE... taking down the Minotaur, but didn't finish the job, so ears had to finish the job. This was too much for the Toolys and they had to concede.”
A tool... how matching for a team that, among others, has its theme from Gobwin knob.
They Solidarities played it safe, hanging back with the secret weap... I mean... with key players, and didn't field all of them. They were ready to strike. But not at all ready to play ball, and after fumbbling around the opponents tackle zones, they tripped over looking baffled, as the toolys scored a TD.
This angered the Solidarities, though still keeping their defensive stance, Redcloak went crazy, Raining down Fire Bolts on the enemy... giving them a hard time standing. Thog were ALL OUT OF ICE CREAM... driving him into a boredom induced RAGE... taking down the Minotaur, but didn't finish the job, so ears had to finish the job. This was too much for the Toolys and they had to concede.”