“Even though it's a crying shame I lost this match, I still can't say that I feel all that bad about it. The whole thing started off with a KO of my Kroxigor and of course, he found it appropriate to stay that way for roughly half the game. While he was out, Good Shape were having a field day with my Skinks, swatting them like there was no tomorrow. At one point, all I had was four players on the field and that's where the second goal was made against me.
If I had just managed to keep my Kroxigor awake I just might have won this match but instead I played this match enthusiastically and ferociously, thereby ending the game in an enthusiastic and ferocious ball of fire. On my last turn, the ball was at my goal line and there was no way that I could possibly move the ball to the other end of the field so instead I had two of my Skinks pick a fight with Jabiz, the result was one skull die and one pow/skull die. Naturally I picked the pow/skull die and the outcome was that my guy fell over and Jabiz died horribly. It's like a fairytale :)”
If I had just managed to keep my Kroxigor awake I just might have won this match but instead I played this match enthusiastically and ferociously, thereby ending the game in an enthusiastic and ferocious ball of fire. On my last turn, the ball was at my goal line and there was no way that I could possibly move the ball to the other end of the field so instead I had two of my Skinks pick a fight with Jabiz, the result was one skull die and one pow/skull die. Naturally I picked the pow/skull die and the outcome was that my guy fell over and Jabiz died horribly. It's like a fairytale :)”