Some of the absolute worst blocking of the season for the Central Adepts - a game that looked to be lost as double skulls and triple pushes dominated the game. 30 blocks with MB/tackle against AV 7 amazons resulted in only 1 BH. 12 other MB blocks resulted in no injuries. The entire second half not a single amazon was KOed or CASed by the Central Adepts. All 4 dirty players were removed in the first half - the team going 0 for 3 in regeneration rolls. However, the key to this game was diving tackle. The Amazons repeatedly thought to dodge away from diving tackle and again and again they failed - these turnovers allowed for positioning that helped seal the game.
As an interesting sidenote, the Sisterhood of Pain decided to hire Zara the Slayer rather than save up for more players. In addition, they did not use the apothecary on a RIP of a SF blitzer...but then used apothecary on a BH on zara. Zara did not repay this kindness however, as she then tripped on a dodge and failed to wake up for the second half.”
Some of the absolute worst blocking of the season for the Central Adepts - a game that looked to be lost as double skulls and triple pushes dominated the game. 30 blocks with MB/tackle against AV 7 amazons resulted in only 1 BH. 12 other MB blocks resulted in no injuries. The entire second half not a single amazon was KOed or CASed by the Central Adepts. All 4 dirty players were removed in the first half - the team going 0 for 3 in regeneration rolls. However, the key to this game was diving tackle. The Amazons repeatedly thought to dodge away from diving tackle and again and again they failed - these turnovers allowed for positioning that helped seal the game.
As an interesting sidenote, the Sisterhood of Pain decided to hire Zara the Slayer rather than save up for more players. In addition, they did not use the apothecary on a RIP of a SF blitzer...but then used apothecary on a BH on zara. Zara did not repay this kindness however, as she then tripped on a dodge and failed to wake up for the second half.”