“A high scoring affair that earned both teams a lot of SPPs and no permanent injuries. In the end, that's the most important result. However, in my opinion I was shorted a win.
There wasn't really a single aspect of the game where I had better dice than pukapuka. Even in blocking, where I had three dice blocks, mighty blow, and better armor, I came out no better than even in injuries. At the end of each turn, bereft of re-rolls, he managed an absurd string of 2+ actions. Now granted for many of the dodges he had inherent re-rolls, but that wasn't always true.
In particular his last turn was an excellent example of just how much Nuffle hates me. The replay is worth a viewing if you like to see exercises in the unlikely, but effectively he managed a string of dodges, hits, throws, and hand offs to score. Admittedly all these actions were individually quite likely, but when added together it turns out that the string was incredibly unlikely. This was, in essence, the entire game. I have played wood elves before, but I have rarely seen someone succeed in so many 2+ actions with so little difficulty.
That's not to say I didn't have my lucky moments, though they were much fewer than his. Two opportune blitzes were important in gumming up the works, and he failed a GFIT to score that actually gave me a temporary 3-2 lead (though again, even in that score he needed a large numebr of successful actions). For his part pukapuka made the most of excellent luck, and handled his people very well. With his dice, had he started with a full team, he could very well have scored 4 or 5 points.”
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There wasn't really a single aspect of the game where I had better dice than pukapuka. Even in blocking, where I had three dice blocks, mighty blow, and better armor, I came out no better than even in injuries. At the end of each turn, bereft of re-rolls, he managed an absurd string of 2+ actions. Now granted for many of the dodges he had inherent re-rolls, but that wasn't always true.
In particular his last turn was an excellent example of just how much Nuffle hates me. The replay is worth a viewing if you like to see exercises in the unlikely, but effectively he managed a string of dodges, hits, throws, and hand offs to score. Admittedly all these actions were individually quite likely, but when added together it turns out that the string was incredibly unlikely. This was, in essence, the entire game. I have played wood elves before, but I have rarely seen someone succeed in so many 2+ actions with so little difficulty.
That's not to say I didn't have my lucky moments, though they were much fewer than his. Two opportune blitzes were important in gumming up the works, and he failed a GFIT to score that actually gave me a temporary 3-2 lead (though again, even in that score he needed a large numebr of successful actions). For his part pukapuka made the most of excellent luck, and handled his people very well. With his dice, had he started with a full team, he could very well have scored 4 or 5 points.”