“Coming off the spanky by khemri, the charioteers were ambushed by the battle beaten assassins...or was it an ambush...
Nay! It was a call to play bloodbowl!
Each side only able to field half a team, a grudgy quick scorefest ensued were neither ground was surrendered!
Hail to Destiny who keeps the score tied by fisting the throat of a lineman blizing him (double skulls)! Today the stalemate stands!
And to Karl, the ax shredder! sharpened and ready for combat, he delivers powerblow after afterblow, realing the elves into the hurt box...and almost one into the grave! Curse upon their medicine man!
The Gloves of Metal has returned! Journey from the lands where no mortal eyes have seen, he awakens clawing out from the grave...with dark elf head in hand!
Chilling winds grip the flesh. Death is not far behind. Ride forward charioteers of the damned, for the past in worthless!”
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Nay! It was a call to play bloodbowl!
Each side only able to field half a team, a grudgy quick scorefest ensued were neither ground was surrendered!
Hail to Destiny who keeps the score tied by fisting the throat of a lineman blizing him (double skulls)! Today the stalemate stands!
And to Karl, the ax shredder! sharpened and ready for combat, he delivers powerblow after afterblow, realing the elves into the hurt box...and almost one into the grave! Curse upon their medicine man!
The Gloves of Metal has returned! Journey from the lands where no mortal eyes have seen, he awakens clawing out from the grave...with dark elf head in hand!
Chilling winds grip the flesh. Death is not far behind. Ride forward charioteers of the damned, for the past in worthless!”